Friday, November 28, 2008

Twitter, Yammer, Ffwd, Stumbleupon, "Stupid"

I recently got to know about Twitter. I went to the web page and read about it. My first reaction was that it was a "stupid" thing to do. Who would want to read one-liners about what people are doing? I also read that a lot of people had similar reactions at first and then changed their opinions later.

Being very intrigued about the following it has, I wanted to know more. My search landed me to sites like "Twitterholic", "TwitterBuzz", etc. I went in to Twitterholic, which was supposed to contain the list of Twitter'ers with the most followers. The first on the list was Kevin Rose. He has 75,302 followers. I went in to find out what was it that caused so many people to follow him. I am pasting his most recent posts below.

1. making the turkey! about 9 hours ago from twitterrific
2. Reading: 4 Reasons to Eat (or drink) Pomegranates -
3. Also, our thoughts and prayers are with those in Mumbai. abo
4. Happy Thanksgiving all! Today I'm especially thankful for family/friends, football, beer, and tcp/ip

Well you have it folks. These are his twitters and this is followed by 75000 readers!!

I learnt some more.

Further reading took to Ffwd , Flikr and StumbleUpon . I read here that all these can be linked with Twitter. So if you view a video of Ffwd, then it will make a Twitter notification on your behalf. If you post a photo, the same goes. So now you can set yourself a ghost who will keep on looking at all the things that you do and send a tweet for to know. You can even send a item to your RTM list from Twitter!!

The tweets of the guy with the most followers coupled with the very "I will follow you to death and watch you dying" capabilities have certainly not yet made me change my view completely.

But I did find some other more "useful" applications and variants of Twitter. Will comment on this in my next post.


Anonymous said...

I’m wondering now if we can talk about your sites statistics – search volume, etc, I’m trying to sites I can buy adspace through – let me know if we can talk about pricing and whatnot. Cheers mate you’re doing a great job though.

Anonymous said...

Hola, Interesante, no va a continuar con este artŠ½culo?.